REACTT, with an established expert team, will find a technological pathway to address the online monitoring and understanding degradation phenomena on SOE and rSOC stacks and systems in order to setup a tool to mitigate performances losses caused by high current and transients operating modes.

By means of Monitoring, Diagnostic, Prognostic and Control Tool (MDPC), a sophisticated hardware and software platform. This approach will achieve to supervise and analyze the (reversible) electrolyser system, increase its reliability and extend its stack lifetime.

These ambitious targets will be pursued in close collaboration between 6 R&D: IJS (SI), UNISA (ITA), CEA (FRA), VTT (FIN), EPFL (CH), ENEA (ITA) and HES-SO (CH) and 3 industry partners: SP SA(CH), BITRON SPA(ITA), and AVL LlST GMBH (AUT).

REACTT is a 36 months project, from January 1st, 2021 until December 31th, 2023.

M40 General Meeting held at EPFL in Sion (CH)
Partners of the European project REACTT (Reliable Advanced Diagnostics and Control Tools for increased lifetime of solid oxide cell Technology) met on last April 18 and 19 in Sion (CH)
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The Excitation module is ready to work!
In the field of fuel cell research the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful tool to characterize electrochemical reaction process but an expensive laboratory equipment is needed ...
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An unconventional stack perturbation: new contribution from REACTT Project!
A contribution of REACTT is in unconventional stack perturbation by means of the discrete random binary signal (DRBS).
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Pushing the limits of performance and durability of fuel cells and electrolysers systems
The workshop has been successfully held in the beautiful location of the Hotel QUISISANA in Capri.
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